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Parent Training Programme

  • We do 123 Magic parent training courses. There are not currently any planned for the near future however it is something that we hope to be able to do in the future.
  • This programme is simple yet very effective.

Parent Sensory Training at Armistead Child Development Centre

  • Contact OT Parent Booking or 01382 835137 / 835141
  • You can also self-refer to OT at Armistead just give them a call. This may or may not be something that your child needs support with, but this course is free. If you suspect that your child has sensory processing issues.  You can also self-refer to Occupational Therapy for assessment if your child struggles with daily tasks such as tying their shoe laces, etc.


  • Your child should have an ABLe plan in place at school that is reviewed regularly. Also, if it is required your child should have a Child’s plan in place. Please see below explanations of these plans from the Dundee City Council Website. In Angus it is an IEP or Pupil Profile instead of an ABLe plan. Talk directly the ASN support staff at your child’s school for further information.

The ABLe Plan

  • ABLe provides a possible format for recording information gathered and interventions planned. It focuses on strengths, barriers to learning, the impact of these barriers on learning and how these barriers will be addressed. This format and the terminology used is consistent with the Code of Practice for the assessment of Additional Support Needs under Scottish legislation.
  • Dundee city Education Department have allowed parents access to the ABLe planning website.

 The Child’s Plan

  • A ‘Team Around the Child’ (TATC) meeting to draw up the Child’s Plan will be held and should include parents, the child or young person and any other professionals e.g. health, social work or voluntary agencies who may provide support. In most cases, the plan will identify some targets for the child or young person’s learning. If a child also has an ABLe Plan, this can be attached and referred to in their Child’s Plan. The individualised plans and the targets set within them will be formally reviewed at least once a year.

  • Some plans will be reviewed more frequently depending on the young person’s progress. Parents should always be involved in the review of their child's plan and should receive a copy.

GLOW Accounts

  • Your child or young person will be using a Glow account in school. They will have a password for their account which they can use to access it. If your child is in secondary school this will include the lessons they have received, homework and other school information. Your young person’s guidance teacher should be able to help you with the information they need to access it, with them.

Mediation Services

  • If the relationship between yourself and school breaks down, then Common Ground Mediation are the service that can support you through this time. They are used to facilitate meetings between yourselves and the school.

Enquire – The Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning


  • We would also advise that any paperwork you have for your child or young person is pulled together in a folder divided into School, CAMHS, OT and any other agencies you may have been involved with for him.  This makes it easier when attending meetings etc to be able to access information quickly. 

Sleep Hygiene

  • To ensure your child is ready to go to bed and sleep it is important to stop them using any form of technology for at least 1hr before you want him to go to bed.  The blue light that comes out of electronic screens destroys the natural melatonin that the body produces, this is the hormone that helps us go to sleep.
  • If your child or young person is having trouble sleeping then speak to either their GP or CAMHS nurse about the options available.

Blue Badge

  • This applies to children who are in receipt of DLA high rate mobility due to the danger that surrounds them running away when the car doors open.
  • Blue Badge
  • Here is the website address for the Blue Badge. If you need any help with this then the Dundee Carers should be able to help you with this. This mainly applies to children with high rate mobility, however if your child is a “runner” and safety is an issue then it may be worth investigating.
  • Dundee City Council Blue Badge Scheme


  • If you have a child with additional support needs, then you may be entitled to disability living allowance and the disability element of tax credits. We always recommend seeking support when filling out the forms for the first time. Your local council will have a department that will be able to assist you in doing this. Think about how much extra care you give your child compared to their peers.
  • In Dundee and Angus, the Citizens Advice Bureau can do this. Dundee City Council also have the Connect Team who are based city wide in libraries and community centres.
  • If your child or young person is in receipt of DLA, High rate mobility or High/Middle rate care then they are entitled to a concession bus pass. If you are successful then you can also apply for Carers Allowance and a disability element of Tax Credits.
  • Angus Concessionary Travel
  • Dundee Concessionary Travel

Other organisations in Dundee that can provide support are;

  • Parent 2 Parent – They can provide support for both you and your child / young person. You can call them yourself to ask for support or ask a professional working with you to refer you to them.
  • Dundee Carers Centre – The carers centre will provide support for both or your child if they are the young carer.  You can self - refer to them or we can refer you.
  • Aberlour - For families who have a child or young person with additional or complex needs, the support provided can range from a few hours to 24 hour care. 
  • National Autistic Society - f your child has autism also.
  • Home Start - Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. 
  • One Parent Families Scotland – 01382 501972 – again an organisation that will provide support for single parent families.

Other Organisations in Angus that can provide support are;

Other information

In Case of Emergency

  • ICE card
  • These cards can be popped in your purse and/or your child’s wallet or purse to let people know that your child has ADHD if you are in an emergency.

Cinema Card

  • If you are in receipt of DLA or PIP for your child or young person, then you can apply for a cinema card. This entitles you to go free as their carer.

Travelling and Entertainment

  • If you are going on holiday and are travelling by aeroplane, then contact the airport and ask about their special assistance policy. It may mean you don’t have to queue at check in and passport control at both ends of your journey.
  • If you are planning any days out, then check ahead to see if there is a fast pass available if you are likely to have to queue for tickets to rides etc.